Predicció - City of Winnipeg
Condicions Humitat Temp Feels Precipitacions Velocitat del vent Direcció
Avui A mix of sun and cloud A mix of sun and cloud 30% 22° - 10km/h SE SE
Aquesta nit Chance of showers Chance of showers 60% 12° 40-60km/h SE SE
Dimarts A few showers A few showers 45% 17° 40-60km/h E E
Dimarts nit Cloudy Cloudy 75% 11° - -
Dimecres A mix of sun and cloud A mix of sun and cloud 35% 21° - -
Dimecres nit Clear Clear 70% 7° - -
Dijous Sunny Sunny 30% 24° - -
Dijous nit Cloudy periods Cloudy periods 65% 10° - -
Divendres Sunny Sunny 35% 18° - -
Divendres nit Clear Clear 65% 6° - -
Dissabte Sunny Sunny 30% 21° - -
Dissabte nit Clear Clear 60% 7° - -
Diumenge Sunny Sunny 25% 22° - -
Impulsat per:   Environment Canada